How To Be More Grateful

How to Be More Grateful

The Gratitude Journal

The first step to becoming more grateful is to start a Gratitude Journal. This is a powerful tool to open your eyes and heart to begin living a life of gratitude.

 Over the next 30 days write down or create a word document and list 3 items you are grateful for everyday.  This is your list and you can write anything you feel grateful for. There is no right or wrong answer! You can even repeat things from previous days if you once again feel grateful for it. You may also choose to focus on situations or people you are struggling with by finding one thing to be grateful for in that area everyday. I know it sounds simple but I assure you the change you will undergo will surprise you!

As an added challenge, I also want you to think of one thing each day that you felt irritated or bothered by. Write this down as well. Then next to it I want you to write how you can view that same situation with gratitude. For example I often find myself ungrateful for red lights. But, if I view this situation with gratitude I am reminded that the red light gave me a few extra minutes with my kids before dropping them off at school. See how simply shifting your mindset can turn a negative into a positive.

Encourage your children to start a journal too. You will be grateful you did!

Share your comments. I would love to hear from you!
